Identity Portrait

Identity Portrait

Materials: Pink ribbon, masking tape

Artist's Statement:
For this piece, I wanted to comment on who I am and how I became the person I am today. The "mask" consists of pink ribbon wrapped around the chest flowing up around the head. I chose to use pink ribbon because of it's symbolism regarding breast cancer.

A large portion of my identity revolves around the event that took place my senior year of high school -- my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her fight against cancer changed me in many ways. During that period, I matured quickly, I began to rely on myself instead of others, and I learned from my mom's strength and positivity. Although I wish my mom had never had that awful disease, I became a stronger and more independent person during that time because of it.

The piece also speaks to my views on women's empowerment and activism in general. I am very passionate about activism through art, specifically the empowerment of women. For the sequencing of these photos, I chose to show a woman becoming more confident with her body and who she is. The stance in the first photo is extremely reserved and almost ashamed, but as the sequence goes on, the stances become more confident and the model becomes more proud of who she is.

In Process:


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