Touch Assignment

The Feeling Bubble

"Our skin is a kind of space suit in which we maneuver through the atmosphere of harsh gases, cosmic rays, radiation from the sun, and obstacles of all sorts." - Diane Ackerman

Statement: After reading the above excerpt from A Natural History of the Senses, I began to think about how incredible the body is. Not only does it protect us and hold together our ooey gooey insides, but it also heals itself and adjusts to any natural changes we go through. With my work, I wanted to comment on the incredible abilities that everyone’s skin has. In order to accomplish this, I photographed the scars of a group of my friends and melded them all together in Photoshop. The skin is a fantastic organ and I wanted to show that with this piece.


"To [my mother’s] generation, serious women have serious hairdos that are formal, sprayed, and don’t move. A few weeks ago, she phoned to warn me that professional women aren’t taken seriously if they don’t have a ‘wet-set’… Loose ends on one’s head signal loose ends in one’s life.” - Diane Ackerman

Statement: Ackerman’s words in this section struck a chord in me. Being a young woman with naturally curly hair, I am often seen as less capable of accomplishing a job than a male counterpart. I think it is fascinating and absurd that something as simple as a hairdo could hinder me in the workplace. To show this absurdity, I paired two photos of myself together- one of me looking “unprofessional”, with my hair down, and one of me looking “professional”, with my hair up. I juxtaposed that pairing with two photos of my friend Jack. Unlike myself, Jack would be taken seriously and respected in a workplace even if he looked “unprofessional”. With this piece, I wanted to comment on the fact that women have to change themselves to be seen as professional, while men do not.


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